Pilot. Sharing the Light.

I recall my first time on stage: I was 4 years old participating in a TV dance show. Since then I have tried dozens of professions and career paths but I have inevitably returned to what I’ve realized is my True Self - that of an Actress. Years later, it is still me standing on that stage of life, in front of the cameras and the audience, only matured, with more training and experience, truer to my creative self than ever before.

Exploring my own creativity in different areas - film, theater, dance, movement, music, singing, public speaking, writing - has become a large part of my life. Not only have I practiced these arts myself, I’ve also helped others discover and develop their artistry and gifts. What can be more important than to reach to the very essence of yourself, to let your inner light out, to share your divine blessings with this world?

So here I am, in my cosmic singularity, both as an individual and as part of the Whole, sharing my Light with the humankind through Acting. It is my inner-most urge to be agile, to mold in creating images, to surf the cinematic seas. It is my calling to help you - directors, producers, casting teams, writers - bring to life multifarious characters, build artistic worlds and universes - to help connect us to the Higher Consciousness, reach into our subconscious - in order to smile, laugh, cry, feel, play, heal, live - essentially, just be.

Lara's Global Salute
Check out this international greeting - can you identify all the languages I'm speaking?
Nirvana does Top of the Pops performance, where, not allowed to play live, they just show off all over the place. And as the UK youth saw this happening, they did not exactly fall in love with Grunge but rather got the idea for their own attitude of the next decade. "The Scene That Celebrates Itself", as they call it, was finding its way.
New Release

I’m grateful to have been featured in the Fashion Republic magazine - April Edition, with the amazing photography by Michael Joshua Trenton.

Fashion Republic Magazine, April 2023


As I’m releasing my first poetry book this year and am interviewing with publishers,

I’d like to share with you a foretaste of what's going to be inside:


There was mere
In the Universe.
A small black dot.
No light
Until someone
Switched it on.
So is in your soul -
It is dark until
Wake up
Turn on the light.
It is in your

#ArtRetreat: Arts and Wellness Retreat

in the Tulum Jungle

I’m very excited to announce that I will be co-hosting an Art Retreat, an immersive week-long experience into art and nature therapy, meditation and Mayan and Mexican culture on October 28 to November 4, 2023. This art retreat is ideal for anyone who’s interested in wellness activities and wants to try a different kind of a vacation - full of yoga, meditation, fresh local plant-based foods, cultural sightseeing and accompanying artistic activities - singing, dancing, painting, weaving, and creative writing. All this will result in a unique mind- and heart-opening experience for you that will surely change your life. You are kindly invited to learn more and join us at: https://www.art-retreat.art.

Art Retreat at Kaxan Retreat Center, Tulum, Mexico

“With every new mask I wear, I die and I am reborn,

over and over again. For the Higher Good.”

Lara Kempbell

Actress | Model | Writer

Los Angeles

For booking or creative collaboration inquiries:


Visit www.larakempbell.art

“With every new mask I wear, I die and I am reborn,

over and over again. For the Higher Good.”

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